Sunday, March 22, 2015

Waioeka Gorge

Went on a little drive through Matawai and into the gorge. It was another perfect green sunny picnic day. Not much to say for this one, I basically soaked in the sunshine and green-ness.

We did go about 25 minutes on a tramping trail, but then things started to get a bit precarious like this step, and we turned around soon after. Lots of slips had occurred, and I would rather walk than half hang on to the green-wall. It was a sheer drop into the small river below.

We had another picnic in near the river below, after the hike.

On our way out we stopped by Gibson Bridge, which was right near the land Sarah's dad grew up on. 

Me posing with the green stuff.

Back at Painui sat in the sun with the kitty.

Then we took a little ride on the Rhino up to Makihoi again, which was super fun and a little terrifying. Ali and I got to stand up in the back while we went around the newly created path. It had been rebuldozed over the week. If you want to see before pics, refer to the Makihoi post.

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