Saturday, March 21, 2015

Morere Springs

The air is back to normal, crisp and chilly. It's steadily getting colder every night as fall comes in full force, but I love it. So naturally we took another walk on the beach at Wainui. 

I like this one especially because it looks kind of like an arial view of a landscape, instead of a small rock formation at my feet.

At first I thought it was the same day, but then realized it was the next day...we headed to the hot springs! This venture included (lil) Sarah, Susie and Enrique, Ali, Barb, and Sarah and me. It's about 40 minutes out of town. And we came across this tractor thing on the way!

We had a picnic in the area first. So much good food. We've come across this pumpkin and kumera hummus that's divine.

Now sorry, I didn't take any pictures of the actual springs because there were other people there as well, and that would have been rude, I think. But hot springs are hot springs. There are probably some on Google if you're curious.

After this very hot soak, we went on a little walk in the bush to loop around back to the car. So here are some more tree pictures. Don't worry, I have way more coming. ;) And Sarah is looking glamorous in the green, here.

The path was very well maintained.

On our way back through the winding roads, I noticed with fresh eyes the cut down trees. Before I would have been sad about it, but now (if you've read my other Makihoi post) I know that's normal and even in this rather bad and blurry picture you can see little recently planted trees on the right of the mountain.


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