Friday, March 6, 2015

Heading to Middle Earth to see some dragons

Hi all! It's been a pretty quiet year, working at my bookstore. I've traveled to many lands in the books I've read, but it's time for some real life travel again. 

Sarah (my grandma) and I are heading to the Southern Hemisphere to the lovely land of Middle Earth, or, New Zealand to non-nerds. We'll be staying with our extended family all around Gisborne, and past that I'm not exactly sure what's in store, but it'll definitely be adventurous. In the next month, there will be lots of pictures, and maybe some words to go along with them if I'm feeling inspired.

But before all the dragon-seeking, we have just under 20 hours of travel (with airplane pillows and sleeping drugs,) possibly an eventual SIM card change, and...packing. We leave Wednesday evening, March 11th, and will arrive in Gisborne on Friday the 13th. 

If you're interested in my upcoming month of journeying, and you want to see more pictures of me eating a lot (like in Europe,) stay tuned my friends.

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