On our way through the gorge again we got stopped for about seven minutes while some construction guys worked on the side of the road, where rocks and debris were falling.
An hour out we drove through Opotiki and stopped at Two Fish cafe. I really took this pic to capture the sign behind the register but I was too far. It said "We will not serve you alcohol of you are pissed (drunk) or under 18." The food was absolutely delicious.
I realized I haven't been posting pictures of the copious amounts of food I've been eating. So this is my grilled veggie wrap. The best I've ever eaten.
Along Papamoa Beach near Tauranga, there are lots of beachfront mansions, which are occasionally neat, but for the most part obnoxiously monolithic, like this one.
In the morning before Hobbiton, we took a walk around this mountain which looks like it's from Lost. There's also a path leading straight up it. Mt. Maungaui.
Blurry trail. There were many moms with baby strollers jogging past us the whole way, which really boosted our self-esteem. (Not.)
Around the base, it's a little over one mile of walking. This is looking back at the beach next to it.
These are the view to the side, while walking around the mountain. It's on the actual beach, like the tip, so ocean is on three sides, sort of.
Bad pic, but gives you a more overall visual.
Half hour away from Hobbiton we stopped at a small cafe on the side of the road.
Where I had this yummy quiche. See, more food!
And this farmer drove into the parking lot with his sheep trailer.
I wish there were more cool cafes at home!