Okay here is my first test post from my iPhone's Blogger app. (After this posts I'm going to have to go on my computer and see what it looks like..)
Attached below, hopefully, is my new best friend for Europe. My Kindle. It's not actually new since I got it last July in pre-pre-preparation for this trip, but I'm now finally getting used to using it. I haven't been able to allow myself to buy anything more than $0.00 on it yet, but I don't hate it.
The Kindle will be my new best friend because it's going to be (almost) my only connection to books...
(Almost- hopefully excepting the book I trade out from the hostels as I go, because I just can't stay away from paper this long, and I'll need my fix.)
One of the Kindle perks is: free books. I love lots of classics and some that I haven't gotten to yet are now, weightlessly, going to be coming with me! A few I've downloaded already are:
Les Mis-because I can't get over how many pages I turn and the percentage-done still hasn't gone over 2%.
North and South, Wives and Daughters-by Elizabeth Gaskell
A bunch of Jules Verne's works
Bleak House by Dickens which I've been meaning to read for forever.
Dracula- um we are going to Sighisoara, Romania. Need I say more?
Madame Bovary- Guatave Flaubert
Alllll the Sherlock Holmes tales
Some Mark Twain
The Scarlet Letter (yeah I know I'm the last person on the planet not to have read it yet.)
And a bunch of e-books I have to review for my blog.
The point is, I probably won't read half of these, exploring and all, but for those endless train rides and overseas flights...I'll be happy for at least a bunch of options.
I'm also able to whispersync ebooks I check out from the library to this device, using my iPhone to order them since this thing doesn't have a web browser. This is handy and will update items every time I connect it to wifi. (Which I normally have turned off to save battery life.)
I'm very glad my Kindle charges via USB like all my other devices so it will fit in my adapter too. :)
And this thing weighs like 4 ounces.
Seven weeks!